Sunday, April 18, 2010

5 Minutes to Midnight

In 1987 while I was living in Bradenton Florida, I had a vision that I should start investigating Master Numbers. Over the course of about 30 days a system evolved that I entitled. "The Master Lotto System" (making order out of random). I used this system for a short period of time to select numbers for the Florida Lottery. On one particular day everything lined up in exact order, I placed my bet and won over 1-thousand dollars. I later moved to Maine and tried using the same system there without success. To this day I believe that lotto number selection is somehow tied to the GPS location of the drawing as well as other influences of our solar system. I have no doubt that there is order in everything. We might see it as random and we might believe that it is chance but I believe there is no chance, there is no luck. The choices we make in our everyday lifes are influenced by some higher order.

5 Minutes to Midnight

Armageddon - What might happen on December 21, 2012? What do the world's major religions say about the end of the world? Is Armageddon going to happen?

The Mayans, Nostradamus, The Bible, and other sources all claim the world will end in armageddon. Will it?

The Masons have been linked to many of history's greatest movements, but what do they think of the 2012 debate?

The history channel recently aired a very interesting program about the possibility of what could happen on or near December 12 2012.

Pastor Hagee a TV minister has been exploring the meaning of old testament scripture using numerology to predict the end of time.

Certainly we are living in an important era of change. Should we be concerned about what choices we make between now and December 21, 2012. Should we prepare for the collapse of the monetary system. Should we start coverting our paper dollars into silver and gold. Should we postpone major events like buying a house, going to school, getting married, traveling abroad, et cetra.

The countdown has started what will we do with the days before 12/21/2012?

Will Christians soon become a minority in America? There are signs everywhere that people don't want GOD in their lives. As you look at people on the street tattoos, and body piercing are everywhere. I can't imagine this is because they love the Lord with All Their Heart.

Billboards are asking if you can do without GOD in your life? And then saying Millions Do! Muslim Mosque's are everywhere in America. Hate and racial violence are common place. When Obama ran for President he ran on the ticket of change. Everybody wanted change - they never asked what the change would be.

"In God We Trust" has been removed from the front of the new dollar coin and has been placed on the edge. How is that significant? The people of the world are living in a era of rebellion. Crisis is everywhere. The earth is rumbling and crumbling. How we you survive? If the time comes to choose between being a servant of your Government or being a Child of God, which will you choose?

The time is coming my friends. The time is at hand.

Now is the time choose between GOD and GOVERNMENT.

Which Choice Will You Make?

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